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Kastrup Bulls Queenie Diamond

Judge Mindy Markley

Dogs Puppy 9-12 months


Limited Collection Explosive

Won the best prize

Kids Competition


Kastrup Bulls Mrs Robinson Of Meljane

Open Class


Limited Collection Guru

French Bulldog Magazine Online Show. Judge Sarah Kennedy

but not placed

Did the Best


Kastrup Bulls Limited Collection Guru

French Bulldog Magazine Online Show. Judge Ruben Lemmens

Dogs Puppy 9-12 months


Kastrup Bulls Queenie Diamond

French Bulldog Magazine Online Show. Judge Sarah Kennedy


Intermediate Bitches


Kastrup Bulls Queenie Diamond

French Bulldog Magazine Online Show. Judge Ruben Lemmens

Bitches Intermediate 24-36 months


Limited Collection Explosive


Best Puppy Male


Valby Bulldogs Frank Big al Sinatra


December 2022 Denmark

Best Veteran


Kastrup Bulls Queenie Diamond

Denmark Winner 2022

Adult of the Year

Best of Opposite Sex


Limited Collection Explosive


Serbia in October 2022

Best of Breed Baby

Very Promising

Kastrup Bulls Mrs. Robinson of Meljane

Norwegian Winner 2022

Excellent - CK

Best of Opposite Sex


Kastrup Bulls I am Rock of Meljane


Sweden Malmö 2022

Best of Opposite sex

Excellent - CK

Frank Sinatra

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Excellent - CK

Best Veteran & Danish Veteran Winner 2022


The Danish Bulldog Clubs show


Hirtshals 2015 - Sunday the 25th of July 2015
Int. Judge & Breed specialist Mr. P.W.J.M Van Montfoorth - Holland

Frank Sinatra

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Excellent - Best Intermediate Male - CK - Res. CAC

3rd Best Male

Critic: 23 month - excellent type - good size and substance - strong head - square skull and nice ear carriage - excellent pigmentation - good stop and lay back - very square fore face - correct bite - good sweep of under jaw - not too much wrinkles in the skull - strong neck - slightly developed cheek bones - excellent neck - very good top line - tail set a little high - strong fore chest - excellent bone, pasterns and feet - short loins - well developed backhand - well muscled - the movement is correct in the rear and acceptable in the front, but a very healthy mover

The Danish Kennel Clubs int. show

Vejen 2015 - Sunday the 21th of June 2015
Int. Judge Mr. Kurt Nilsson - Norway

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

Excellent - Best Intermediate Male - CK - Res. CAC

2nd Best Male

Critic: good head and expression - good top line - very good angulation - typical bulldog movement


Handled by breeder Mr. Kim Kjaer - Valby Bulldogs

The Danish Kennel Clubs int. show


Vejen 2015 - Saturday the 20th of June 2015
Int. Judge Mrs. Barri Beare - England

Frank Sinatra

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Excellent - Best Intermediate Male - CK - Best Male - CAC - CACIB

Best of Breed

Critic: great masculine head - nice clear eyes - correct bite - well developed front - superb shoulders - top line to rise - well muscled - handled very well - move without faults

The Norwegians Bulldog Clubs show

Bøsøre 2015 - Sunday the 24th of May 2015
Int. Judge & Breed specialist Mrs. Lieza Handley - Englang

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

Best Intermediate Male - CK


Critic: strong male - good head - flat skull - good turn of under jaw - broad chest - good front - good body shape - move very well


Handled by breeder Mr. Kim Kjaer - Valby Bulldogs


Handled by breeder Mr. Kim Kjaer - Valby Bulldogs

The Norwegian Bulldog Clubs show

Vestby 2015 - Saturday the 23th of May 2015
Int. Judge & Breed specialist Mrs. Linda Martin - England

Frank Sinatra

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Excellent - Best Intermediate Male - CK

4th Best Male

Critic: excellent type of head - dark eyes - good ear set - good width of skull - plenty of for face - excellent broad front - straight bone - very good overall body shape - tail OK - excellent movement

The Danish Bulldog Club show

Bøsøre 2015 - Friday the 15th of May 2015
Int. Judge Mr. D.J Baars - Holland

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

Excellent - Best Intermediate Male - CK

4th Best Male

Critic: 18 month - very masculine - well boned - still of brick shape, could do with a little less fat - masculine head - nice skull and ear set - nice dark eyes - broad under jaw - excellent front - well ribbed - tail set a bit high - typical mover


The Swedish Kennel Clubs int. show


Bøsøre 2015 - Tuesday the 6th of January 2015
Int. Judge Mrs. Eva Nielsen - Sweden

Frank Sinatra

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Excellent - Best Junior Male - CK

4th Best Male

Critic: masculine male - masculine head - good turn of under jaw - good ears - lovely dark eyes - good bone - good body shape for the young age - good length of the back - excellent movement - needs to mature a bit more

The Danish Kennels Clubs NAT. show

Aarhus 2014 - Saturday the 13th of August 2014
Int. Judge Mr. Leif Lehmann Jørgensen - Denmark

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

Excellent - Best Junior Male - CK - Res. CAC

2nd Best Male

Critic: 9 month old male of excellent size - correct broad skull - well placed ears, dark eyes - the bite most not get more undershot, but teeth are set in a nice even row - strong neck - good depth of brisket for the age - moves well, seen from the side and back - front movement OK - good warm color - good coat - excellent temperament


The Danish Bulldog Clubs show


Bornholm 2014 - Saturday the 16th of August 2014
Int. Judge Mr. Harri Lehkonen - Finland

Frank Sinatra

Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

3rd Best Male

Excellent - Best Junior Male - CK

Critic: very well developed young male - excellent proportions - correct ear set - broad under jaw - good nostrils - excellent front - correct top line - needs substance ind the body - well set tail - good hindquarters - lovely temperament - sound mover

The Danish Kennel Clubs int. show

Roskilde 2014 - Sunday the 11th of May 2014
Int. Judge Mrs. Inger Dahle - Norway

Frank Sinatra


Valby Bulldogs Frank Big Al Sinatra

Best Puppy of Breed

Very promising - Best Puppy Male

Critic: very promising puppy - excellent head and expression - good under jaw - good body shape - good bone and angulation - very good movement for the age - good temperament - well presented

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